MLK Ski Weekend at Blue Mountain in Canada

Official MLK Ski Weekend Micro Fleece Blanket – Blue


The official MLK Ski Weekend blanket is a perfect souvenir for the amazing winter event! The blanket is micro fleece. Designed to keep you warm in drafty situations not limited to: ski trips, in your bedroom, on your sofa, football games, ice rinks, spring baseball, soccer field, etc… The blanket is also useful on a beautiful beach as a beach blanket. This item is lightweight and sturdy. Machine washable.

Out of stock

MLK Ski Weekend Branded Soft Micro Fleece Blanket

$40 each

Official branded apparel will be produced and sold prior to the event. Check the website and MLK Ski Weekend app for updates on availability or to pre-order your item(s).

Limited supply!!

Items will be shipped to your address if ordered prior to Nov. 30th.